The Institute issues various kinds of publications both hard and online copies. Two of its main annual publications are Shakai to Rinri Journal and Jihou Sharinken newsletter, both of which are issued once per year in Japanese. Additionally, as part of the research laboratory series, the Institute also issues other publications in the form of pamphlet, etc. Emerging new ideas of the research project are sometime developed and converted into publication in the form of working papers.
Shakai to Rinri (Society and Ethics Journal)
It was initially launched as Shakai Rinri Kenkyuu (Social Ethics Research) in 1992, but since the fifth issue of 1998, it has been renamed Shakai to Rinri (Society and Ethics) as in its current publication form. It is a thematic and thoroughly peer reviewed journal. The first part of the journal is a collection of articles written by leading scholars on the area related to the theme of the journal of that particular year. The Institute distributes an approximate 600 copies of each issue to its registered members. It is also available online in Japanese only.
Jihou Sharinken (Newsletter of the Institute for Social Ethics)
Since 2008 the Institute began to publish the hard and online copies of the Newsletter (after a preparation issue of 2007), as the Institute felt the need to publish the paper of the winners of the Nanzan Award for Outstanding Research by Young Scholars in Social Ethics, which began that year. The Newsletter also provides general information on the activities of the Institute, such as reports of the colloquium, symposium, conference, talk-seminar, as well as, other research activities and recent publications of its members. It is also available online in Japanese only.
Brief Summary Reports
There are brief summary reports of the colloquia, workshop, symposium, talk seminar and conference organized by the Institute. Depending on the necessity, they can be either in Japanese or in English, or both.
Working Papers
The institute also publishes the temporary outcome of and emerging ideas from the research projects that are still in progress in the form of working paper series booklet.
So far, the Institute has published a jointly edited book on Asia‒Pacific Geopolitics, in particular on the issues relate to hegemony and/versus human security.