研究活動 2021-2025年度
(共催)講演会「Contemporary Indigenous Histories: Colonizing Education; Intergenerational and Collective Trauma; Loss and Reclamation」開催のお知らせ
南山大学英米学科主催 人類学研究所共催 講演会
"Contemporary Indigenous Histories
Colonizing Education; Intergenerational and Collective Trauma; Loss and Reclamation"
日 時 : 2024年3月29日(金)15:30〜17:10
講 師 : Susan Rose 名誉教授(Dickinson College, Charles A. Dana Professor Emeritus of Sociology)
場 所 : 南山大学 Q棟501教室 / Zoom参加可
主 催 : 南山大学英米学科
共 催 : 南山大学人類学研究所
言 語 : 英語(日本語逐次通訳あり)
※ Zoom視聴参加をご希望の方は当日、こちらのQRコードからどうぞ
【報告】 Attendance: 15 in person, 7 on Zoom; total 22
The talk focused on the story of Settler Colonialism, which encroached not only upon the lands of Native American Indians but also on the minds and souls of children. This story is about an experiment in education for extinction, a story of intergenerational and collective trauma - profound and enduring trauma that continues to affect American Indian communities and people today. Finally, it is an American story - and one that speaks of the genocidal foundations of U.S. society.
Professor Rose focused on the Carlisle Indian Industrial School, which was the first federally funded, off-reservation boarding school and it became the model for other Indian boarding schools across the U.S. and Canada. She showed a trailer to the film The Lost Ones, which contains the stories of two indigenous children who were taken from their tribe and raised at the Carlisle Indian Industrial School. Professor Rose discussed how their descendents are coming to terms with the legacy of this history.
This talk elicited a number of questions about the specific history or the Carlisle Indian Industrial School and intergenerational trauma in general. Professor Rose discussed how the legacy of colonization has affected many societies, and raised the cases of New Zealand and Australia in particular.